Musings and Mutterings, Educational and Otherwise

WATCH THIS SPACE! I've got lots to share; the funnies, and fun stuff for kids and families. Stay tuned!

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Good Morning! (and a study aid for your older student)

Hi and good morning! Sorry to have been away for so long. I've been pretty sick, actually, and awfully tired. Had bronchitis (again!) and that really wears on a person. I'll be glad when this bout is over, since I'm barely keeping up with the things that *have* to be done each day.

Eldest dd had her senior prom yesterday-the gang is currently snoozing in the basement after the after-prom party she held late last night. The other two are currently in Lansing at the state Science Olympiad competition-I hope they're having fun!

Is your older student doing that last-minute push to get ready for finals? Show him or her how to outline chapters. This vital study skill isn't being stressed in most classrooms, and many haven't a clue how to do it. By making a written outline of the material to be learned, your student will be tapping into several different learning modes and so make the information more memorable.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Is it Monday already??

Yes, I guess it is! Off we go in another week. What are you planning? I'm busy setting up summer tutoring schedules and trying desparately to keep up with my kids. Seems like they're heading in opposite directions more and more. It's the age, I'm sure. Teenagers are constantly on the go.

We're all registered for summer camps, and busy planning Vacation Bible School and summer Scout activities. School will be out before we know it! And that means my oldest dd will graduate, too. The first one to leave the nest. **sigh!** Fifteen years ago I couldn't even imagine this moment, but here it is. I'll have to be careful not to blink, or the other two will disappear, too!

Get them writing (or at least telling a story) with this fun activity: Check the personals section of your newspaper's classified ads. Pick an ad and tell the story of what led up to its being placed and what happened after the ad appeared in the paper. How did the situation end?