Musings and Mutterings, Educational and Otherwise

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Good Morning!

It's going to be a busy day around here, so I thought I'd post early today. Gotta take youngest dd dto the orthodontist, then scoot up to Cassopolis to evaluate a new student, tutor a few and run home in time to take middle dd to her soccer game, tutor a bit more and go to a staff meeting for the camp I'm helping with in June. Huff-puff! You can see why I won't be likely to post anything later today.

The new reading program at the mental health clinic is going well-I'm adding my third student today. These clients are developmentally disabled adults, which is one of the things I'm actually trained to do. I'm having a ball, and looking forward to my first pay check from these folks at the end of the month. Being paid monthly is a bit of a pain, but on the other hand, the check will seem really, really big to me, since most of my income appears in $20 chunks.

And here's something fun to do with your kids:

Get them excited about reading comprehension exercises by turning the tables. Have them make up a quiz over a book for YOU! Of course, they also have to make an answer key....By making up the questions and answering them themselves, they will hardly know they are doing a comprehension exercise. It works like a charm!


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